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Drip Bag Coffee - Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona Classic Washed

Drip Bag Coffee - Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona Classic Washed


Flavor: Cashew Nut, Orange, Almond, Smooth and Full body

Origin: Guatemala

Region: Antigua

Farm: Bella Carmona

Varietals: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Villa Sarchi

Growing Altitude: 1,500–1,900 masl

Processing: Washed

Roasting Level: Medium

Packing: 10 bags per box


**Freshly roasted and shipped within 1 week.

Remarks: Purchases do not include coffee cup

  • Brewing Tips

    Step 1: Tear along the dotted line

    Step 2: Place hangers onto the cup

    Step 3: Add 90-92C hot water and wait 20 seconds

    Step 4: Slowly pour hot water until 200-220ml

    Step 5: Remove drip bag and enjoy your coffee

  • Bella Carmona

    Guatemala Genuine Antigua Bella Carmona comes from one of Guatemala’s most beautiful and captivating valleys, Antigua. The region’s rich volcanic soil and cool weather provide the perfect conditions for producing some of the world’s most prized coffees.

    Bella Carmona is a blend of Bourbon cherries processed at Beneficio Bella Vista, which is owned by the Zelaya family. The mill uses traditional washing and sun-drying processes. The Zelaya family has been producing coffee for decades, and its experience shows in every cup. Some of the cherries come from the Zelaya’s own farms, while others come from experienced coffee families in the surrounding areas.

    The Zelayas focus on several agricultural techniques to improve soil health and overall quality, including pruning, soil enrichment and disease prevention methods. They also work with hundreds of small farmers in the surrounding areas to help them achieve similarly sound environmental practices, often processing their cherries at the family mill.

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