Tailor made for customer
This Christmas gift box is designed by Grace - Founder of Omelette Menu. Box included our hottest product - Drip Bag Coffee! Each gift box is customized with her ideas - reusable.
A beautiful and unique gift set for each OM students...Love it!
這個聖誕我們提客人度身定做一款掛耳包咖啡,構思來自Omelette Menu創辦人 - Grace Leung。禮物是特別送給每位學員,整個項目由選豆、烘焙至包裝印製,都由Zuco製作。
About Omelette Menu: www.omelettemenu.com
#Merryandlove #OMxZUCO #crossover #christmasgiftset #dripbag #Merrychristmas #omelettemenu #loveyourbody